Mentoring, being a vitally important aspect for the entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurship, will be done in a well-organized manner by a network of “Chambers and business leaders”. The work is already underway to create-in collaboration with the chambers and business leaders-a database of the established business persons, man and women, who are able and willing to work with the young entrepreneurs. The mentors are required to hold the hands of the young entrepreneurs and help them walk through the difficult phases of building a business from developing a business idea to emerging as a successful entrepreneur and investor. Guiding the new investors at every stage in their progression from beginning to closure of a business/project is absolutely necessary. This mentoring/guidance may be provided by a successful/established business person with real life experience of navigating through the difficult terrain of developing a business. For success of a new entrepreneur, it is necessary that a mentor guides him from the beginning to the end. Ultimately in this session the trained entrepreneurs will be guided to devise an investment model through mentoring by successful businessmen.